A Workshop for Numerical Analysis
in honor of Sang Hun LEE

on the occasion of his 60th Birthday

October 11, 2003
Kyungpook National University, Daegu Korea


Sang Hun LEE, Professor of Mathematics at the Kyungpook National Univeristy, turns 60 on October 11, 2003.  Professor Lee is a leading figure in operator theory and  functional analysis, having made seminal contributions in subfields including numerical analysis and complex analysis. With 4 doctoral students and 5 non-student collaborators, Professor Lee has served as teacher and mentor to mathematicians throughout the world. This conference is intended to be attribute to the care with which he has nurtured mathematics and mathematicians.

To celebrate this event a Workshop for Numerical Analysis is organized on October 11. The conference program will cover various aspects of Sang-Hun Lee' mathematical interests, including numerical analysis, scientific computation, fluid dynamics and non-linear partial differential equations.

Invited Speakers

The list of invited speakers consists of:

Workshop Program

The lectures are held on Saturday 1:30pm October 11th at Room 000 of Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University.


Talk Title


Lee, Sang Hun

Opening Ceremony (1:30pm)

Shin, Byeong Chun

Kim, Sang Dong

 Spectral Least-Squares methods for PDE

Kweon, Jae Ryong

 Singular behavior for compressible Navier-Stokes Equations

Kim, Sang Dong

Shin, Byeong-Chun

 Least-squares method for optimal control problem of incompressible

 Stokes equations

Song, Minsu

Hamilton-Jacobi equations driven by Cellular automata

Ryoo, Cheon Seoung

 A computational verification method for elastoplastic problem

Kweon, Jae Ryong

Kim, Philsu

A new interplatory type quadrature rule for Cauchy principal value integrals

Yoon, Jungho

Multivariate local edge detection method on scattered data

Cho, Nak Eun

 Integral preserving properties for certain analytic functions

Yoon, Jungho

Lee, Sang Hun

Closing Ceremony

Banguet (6:00pm)

    Click the detailed time schedule.

Workshop Organizers:

Meeting Organizers:

For further information contact  Byeong-Chun SHIN

Our Sponsors:  
       KRF-2002-070-C00014 (Numerical Analysis and Computing Lab. : Kyungpook National University)
       KOSEF-R14-2003-019-01001 (PDE and Parallel Computing Lab. : Chonnam National University) 
       Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University